How Do I Create/Manage Issue Notification Rules?

You can create issue notification rules to notify specific users or roles that a specific issue has been reported. 


To create a new issue notification rule you need to go to the settings in the bottom right hand corner of the portal (only wallet administrators have access to this) ans scroll down to the category Issue Reporting

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Select the category Issue Notification Rules, here you will be able edit/view any rules previously made or have the ability to create a new one. 

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If you select +Create a rule, you will be asked to fill in the required fields. 

You will need to give the rule a name, select the issue type/s from the drop down list, select the severity level, pick from the drop down list the sites applicable or select the all sites button, pick the site areas, choose whether you would like the user to be notified by email, SMS or both and then choose who will receive the notification this can be selected users or roles followed by clicking save. 

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