How do I add users to my Organisation Portal?

Note : Wallets with SSO enabled, manager their users from the Organisation Portal. Wallets without SSO enabled, manage their users from the Users page. Organisation is only accessible via online portal (

Once you are logged into your wallet and within your Organisation Dashboard, 

Select ‘People (ACL)’ on the left panel :

You will then be presented with a list of current users :

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To add new user, select ‘Add SSO User’ :

A window will then pop up for you to enter the user details :

A screenshot of a computer

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Once you have entered the user details, select ‘Add User’.

You will then see what Wallets you have within your Organisation and can therefore select the appropriate wallet.

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Select ‘Enable’ against the wallet you wish the User to have access too  ;

Then you can configure the user, select the licences you wish them to have :

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You will then need to select the users Access Tier, their Job Title and their department.
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Once you have configured the user, select ‘Save’ - this will automatically update your user list granting them access.



Please note :

  • The user will not receive an email invite/notification when being added to the organisation portal, it may be good practice to inform them when you have added them.

  • The user will need to log into the Work Wallet Portal/App – using their single sign on credentials.

  • Password re-set requests would be referred to your internal IT department.