How Do I Create ID Type Variants?

ID type variants are a way to capture  different varieties of an ID type. For example, you would have an ID type of passport with a a variant of UK passport and EU passport.

To create the ID Types and their variants, select the settings cog at the bottom of the left hand navigation panel : 


Then select ID Document Types : 

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 11.25.21

Here you are able to create a new ID Document Type, or Edit a current Type : 

When creating  a new type simply add the Name of the ID, you can mandate wether or not the Type requires an Expiry and whether the persons uploading needs to supply a image of the ID  :

You are then able to go on to create Variants of that Type : 

Select + Add Variant 

Select Save once you have added the variants:


Now when users and contacts are uploading their ID, they will be asked which Variant.