How Do I Edit A Permit?

To edit a permit, select settings from the left-hand navigation menu. This will load the setting page, where you will be able to find the Permit To Work Categories. 


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Here you will be able to edit and create permits for your wallet, to edit a permit select the 'Edit' button to the left of the permit you wish to amend.


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Here you will be able to edit the name and the setting for the permit. For example if you require a close out on your permit you can change that here, or you just wish to change the validation period.


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Adding a close out tab to your permit will add an extra tab, this can be used for signatures and further questions following the completion of works.

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Once you're satisfied with the changes you've made to your permit make sure that you scroll to the bottom of the page to save the permit and avoid losing all the changes you've just made.


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