How Do I Modify The Audit Design Template

You can edit your Audit Design template document from the settings menu in the Work Wallet portal.  Click Audit Design Templates to see a list of current templates.

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You can create a new template by clicking + Create a Audit Design Template, you will then be asked to upload the document you want to use as your new template.  Alternatively, you can select a current template to edit.

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To build your template design in Word you will need to use the reference tags and sample table structures provided on both the create and edit template screens.

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These tags when placed in your document will show where the corresponding data will be placed when the report is generated.  An example can be seen below.

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When you are happy with your template design you can upload it via the portal and activate it.  Your audit reports will now be generated using this design.

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Once you have named your template and selected the file to upload you can click Save Audit Design Template.