How Do I Create a Manual Upload Risk Assessment

There are two types of Risk Assessment in Work Wallet. One is a system generated dynamic document you can find more details about creating this type in this article: The Second type is a Manual Upload Risk assessment where you have already created your Risk Assessment Document outside of Work Wallet and want to use Work Wallet to invite people to read and digitally sign it.

To create a Manual Upload Risk Assessment select the Risk Assessment Page from within the Health & Safety Section of the left-hand navigation menu. Then click the Create Risk Assessment Button. 

Work your way down the form filling in the details in the document information and location information sections.

In the Safety Information make sure to select the Manual Upload type

Then upload your Risk Assessment document - please note it must be a PDF file. Finally select the nearest hospital and then click Create Risk Assessment. Your risk assessment will then be ready for you to create your distribution list. You can find more information on this here: